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Aldabra 2.5 turns your Internet site
into a fount of information is an IT consulting and services company that specializes in electronic publishing (Internet, Intranet, infobases, CD-ROM, French Minitel).

It distributes in particular Aldabra 2.5, France's leading program for online publications, which is designed specifically for the distribution and sale of information on the Web. It consists of several modules running under Microsoft Windows NT.

The Aldabra system is constantly evolving to make use of the latest technology. It is the result of three years of development and has been designed to simplify the Webmaster's work as much as possible. Compared to other solutions, Aldabra 2.5 offers considerably lower maintenance and operating costs for an Internet publications site.

About ALDABRA online publishing

[Aldabra] [Aldabra FullText]
[Aldabra Pay-per-View][Story Export] [Aldabra Back-Office]
[Aldabra Mail-Back] [Aldabra XFiles] [Aldabra Prospect]

 Story Export (XPress) Nouveau developpement  Aldabra

 1.  Customable multipublication tool
 2.  Enables you to extract the contents from your QXP and to export in html
 3.  Enables you to extract the contents from your QXP and to export in structured ASCII
 4.  Automatic recognition of editorial elements
 5.  Multiple artcles export
For more inform...