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1.- Aldabra FullText

Aldabra FullText is a full-text document database that can be queried with a powerful multicriteria search engine.

Aldabra FullText transforms your Internet site into a remarkable tool for disseminating information. It is flexible, powerful and fast. Text, graphics and images are automatically incorporated into a very high capacity infobase (over a million articles).
Aldabra FullText's multicriteria full-text document database makes use of the latest tools on the market.


     A robot handles Web updates

After finishing each of your publications, a program automatically converts Word, Xpress, PageMaker and other types of files into the Aldabra FullText format conserving the fields for the date, category, subject, country, author, etc. The resulting files are simply transferred to your server by FTP. The articles are then automatically indexed in full text.

Aldabra FullText offers a truly comprehensive solution: any file for the Web server can be integrated "as is" into an in-house database and can be transferred directly onto a CD-ROM.     

As soon as the articles have been sent to the Web server, a robot automatically takes over the updating of the server, with no intervention needed from the Webmaster.

  • Your home page(s) can be automatically updated to reflect the contents of the latest issue. The presentation is based on personalized style sheets that you can easily change at any time.
  • Articles are automatically filed into subject folders (Aldabra Xfiles).

  • E-mail notices are sent by Aldabra MailBack according to the user-defined profiles.

     A wide range of search methods

Readers can enter your site in several ways:

  • They can consult the table of contents of the latest issue, before reading the articles they want;
  • They can navigate through the table of contents of previous issues if they wish;
  • Finally, they can query the database containing all the articles. Aldabra FullText's powerful search engine can be used to refine a search using Boolean operators, although a simplified interface permits new users to skip this step. The system instantly transmits a list of the relevant articles along with article summaries. It is only when an article is actually read that the user's cyber account is debited.

Starting dateSince January 1992
Ending atUnlimited

New Search Online Publishing

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