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2.- Aldabra Pay-Per-View

Aldabra Pay-per-view handles both sales of articles and subscriptions.

Aldabra Pay-per-view can be used in conjunction with an extensive database to process readers' requests for subscriptions and manage the cyber accounts used to purchase articles.

  • On-line subscriptions: a customizable form makes on-line subscriptions easy. Readers can choose exactly how long subscriptions should last; they indicate which currency they will use for payment (there is a choice of three or more currencies); and finally they can choose several forms of payment - credit card, check or direct debit - as well as whether they want to receive an invoice.
  • Cyber account: A cyber account is opened in the same way. Readers are free to choose how much they will deposit (although there is a recommended minimum).


Experience shows that the cyber account and subscriptions correspond to two very different needs. Those readers who have an ongoing interest in certain subjects and wish to read most of what is available tend to subscribe. Then there are browsers who have only a limited interest in subjects, and thus set up a cyber account. Browsers frequently end up subscribing. Thus the cyber account is one way to achieve the more basic goal of subscriptions.

     An array of payment systems

Aldabra Pay-Per-View makes use of the main payment systems on the market today. It is possible right now to use:

  • la Klebox from Kleline, a subsidiary of Compagnie bancaire. Currently, this system is being used by publishers who are on Globe Online , including Le Monde, AFP, Investir, and Indigo Publications.
  • Payline, which was developed by SG2, and is currently being adopted by the above named publishers.
  • The simple sending of a credit card number using the secure SSL system.

Bouton de paiement Interface Klebox Logo Globe Online

Each of these systems has its advantages and weaknesses. Klebox is undoubtedly the most sophisticated system technically (it is multi-merchant), but it requires that each user install software. Payline provides for on-line authorization of a credit card and thus permits an immediate purchase. Klebox and Payline bill the publisher for their services; there is no charge to transfer a credit card number using SSL, but this requires the manual authorization of the card.

Depending on your sales strategy, you can use Aldabra 2.5 to offer your readers only one payment method or a choice of several. Online Publishing

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